Alberta's Wetlands
Twenty percent. That's how much lands in Alberta are covered by wetlands
Ninety percent. That's how much of those wetlands are peatlands
Twenty million. That's how many migratory birds call the wetlands in Alberta home each year
Sixty-four percent. That's how much wetlands have been lost to developments in the settled areas of the province

Wetland Vegetation
Identification of common plant species found in various types of wetlands in Alberta
Depends on your project goal, planting different plants will have significant results
How plants interact with their water-altered environment

Wetland Management and Protection
Ever wondered what that odor from that pond in front your house is and how to rid it?
Want to minimize the impact of your cattle on that marsh you have?
Worried about flooding and want to mitigate it using a wetland?
Love birds and aiming to provide them with a feeding and mating ground?

Wetland Classification
Swamps, muskegs, bogs... What are these things and what make them different?
Wetlands aren't just lands that are watery, there is much more to them.